Sunday, 14 June 2015

What do you want this to be

Have you ever heard of Dating Purgatory ?
Well if you havent heard of it, I will tell you about it because I think Im in it right now.

You know that situation of  having one foot out the door instead of taking a risk and jumping into a relationship with both feet? That's when you know you're in dating purgatory. It’s when we are dating someone who wants nothing serious, even though we do.

Do you know how awful is it to be dating someone you like but never knowing where we stood or whether or not he was seeing anyone else.Or it’s all those times we were in a relationship that had no label, or it’s anytime we found ourselves in an almost-relationship.

Is he in denial about what the real deal looks like because the real deal involves self-sacrifice. It’s giving up other options. It’s not talking to girls or guys anymore.Is he afraid to jump in with both feet and give what he got?

My only FOMO is the fear of losing what I have with him.

Is he aware that real deal is when you go to that event with your significant other, even though you don’t really want to go. It’s when you’ll do anything to make your man or woman happy. It’s when you tell each other you only want each other and you don’t want the other to see anyone else.It’s when you lock that sh*t down. It’s when you know exactly where you stand with each other.
If it’s the real deal, you’re not still looking because you know what you’ve found is unbeatable.
You’d never want to risk losing it by continuing to shop around and getting caught.
We need to start focusing on the benefits of being in a relationship, rather than mulling over the drawbacks or worrying about the sacrifices.

I really hate myself for being such a pussy. Tip toe-ing around the issue of  ''What are we?'' and dance around the question of ''What do you want this to be?''
It requires bravery to decide you want to be committed to someone.And i've decided to be with him and not anyone else. What bout him? There will be times when even if you really like this person, you’re still worried it won’t work out.

Perhaps you stay in a non-relationship and never question what it is out of fear that the moment you ask any questions about what you are or where you stand, you’ll scare that fragile pseudo-relationship away.

We shouldn’t settle for anyone unless they step it up. If someone’s not all in and wants to keep one foot out the door, they obviously don’t adore you. If they did, it would look a lot different than dating purgatory.
We deserve better than dating purgatory, but the question is, why aren’t we acting like we deserve better? Why aren’t we demanding better?

 Dont you want the real thing? I believe we all want to find love right?
We all want a supportive partner who can motivate us to aim higher, who cares deeply for us and who we can even take to family events.
 Dating purgatory isn’t where you want to be if you’re in search of something real. Yet, it’s where a lot of us end up.We also voluntarily remain in dating purgatory, no matter how awful it is, by condoning non-relationships, even though we actually want the real deal.

Its sad to know that our generation has accepted dating purgatory as the norm; it’s what we settle for instead of pursuing something real.

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